What is an online bootcamp?

It takes 21 days to make a new healthy habit and this was many of us coaches in Marbella on our success trip after smashing cardio together, as a collective, as a team.

Baby Weight

STOP! I’m sad to say I did when I was pregnant. It’s common and so sad that we are still doing it. Here are some others you may recognise..

new bootcamp launch

Feel a bit sluggish? Feel a bit loosey goosey? Got a bloated tummy? Maybe bit of heart burn and generally just feeling a bit lethargic and lacking energy?

online fitness coaching

One of the things I have found that has really helped me through tough times this year and all been part of my coaching journey has been understanding the difference between a goal/resolution and an actionable plan... knowing you want to get from A to B is fine but what is the middle part? What do you actually have to do to get there?